Dil ID: 6
Dil Adı: turkish
Dil Kodu: tr5tayfun Acnodes Markası'nın Ürünleri
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

14628 Central Ave,
Chino, CA 91710
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
© Copyright 2013 Acnodes, Inc.
All rights reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subject to change without notice. For latest product information,
please visit Acnodes web site at www.acnodes.com.
1U Rackmount Combo KVM Switch
Legal Information
First En glish printing , October 2002
Inform ation in this document has be en carefully che cked for accuracy; ho weve r, no g uara ntee is given to th e correctness of the
con ten ts. The information in this docu ment is sub je ct to change without notice. W e are not liable fo r any injury o r loss th at
results from the use o f th is eq uipment.
Safety Instructions
Please read all of these instructions carefully before you use the device. Save this manual for future reference.
¦ Un plug equipment bef ore cleaning. Do n’t use liquid or spray d eterge nt; use a moist clo th.
¦ Kee p equipme nt away from excessive h umidity and he at. Prefe rabl y, keep it in an a ir -conditioned environm ent with
tempe ratures not exceeding 40º Celsius (10 Fah renheit).
¦ Wh en installing, place th e equipme nt on a sturd y, level surface t o pre ven t it from accidenta lly falling and causin g dam
age to ot her equipme nt or in ju ry to persons nearb y.
¦ Wh en t he equipme nt is in an ope n po sition, do not cove r, block or in an y way obstru ct the gap between it an d the
power sup pl y. Prop er air convection is ne cessa ry to keep it from o verh eating.
¦ Arrang e the eq uipme nt ’s p owe r cord in such a way th at others wo n’t trip or fa ll over it.
¦ If you a re using a power cord th at d idnt sh ip with th e equipment, ensure that it is rate d for the voltage and curre nt
lab eled on th e eq uipme nt s electrical ra tings label. The volta ge ra tin g on the cord should be higher than the one listed
on the eq uipme nt ’s ratings label.
¦ Observe a ll precautions and warnings attached to the e quipm ent .
¦ If you don’t intend o n u sing the e quipm ent for a long t im e, disconn ect it from the pow er outlet to prevent being dam
aged by transient over -voltage.
¦ Kee p all liquids aw ay from the equ ip ment to minimize the risk of a ccidental spillage. Liquid spilled on to th e p ower
sup ply or on o the r h ardwa re m ay cause dama ge, fire or electrical sho ck.
¦ Only qua lified se rvice person nel should ope n the chassis. Op ening it you rself cou ld dam age the equipment and invali
date its wa rrant y.
¦ If any part of the equ ip ment be comes dama ged or stops fun ction ing, h ave it checked by qualified service personne l.
What the w arranty does not cover
¦ Any pro duct, on w hich the serial numb er has b een def aced, mod if ied or rem oved.
¦ Da mag e, deteriorat ion or malfun ction resulting from :
? Accide nt, m isuse, ne glect, fire , wate r, lightn in g, or o the r acts of n ature, un auth orized prod uct mo dification, or
failure to follo w instruction s supplied with the product.
? Repair or attemp ted repa ir by anyone not authorized by us.
? Any damag e o f th e prod uct due t o shipme nt.
? Removal or installation of th e product.
? Causes exte rnal to the pro duct, su ch as electric po wer fluctu ation or failure.
? Use of supplies or p arts not mee ting o ur specifications.
? Norm al wea r and tea r.
? Any other causes which doe s not re late to a p ro duct defect.
¦ Re mo val, insta llation, and set -up service charge s.
R egulatory Notice s Federal Communications C om mission (FCC)
Th is equipme nt has be en te sted and found t o com ply with the limits for a Class B digital device, p ursuant to P art 15 of the F CC
rules. The se lim its a re designed to provide reason able prote ction again st harm ful interfe rence in a residential instal - lation.
Any chan ges o r mod ifications m ade to this equipm ent ma y void the u ser’s authority to operate th is e quipm ent. This e quipm ent
generates, u ses, and can ra dia te rad io freq uency en ergy and, if n ot installed a nd u sed in a ccorda nce w ith the instructions, m ay
cau se harmful interfe rence to radio com munications.
H owever, t here is no guarantee th at int erferen ce will not occur in a particular installation. If this eq uipment do es cause
harmful interference to radio or television recept ion, which can be determined by turn ing the e quipme nt of f and on, the use r
is encouraged to try to correct th e interference by one or mo re of the following m easures:
¦ Re -position or relocate the receiving ante nna.
¦ In crease th e sep aration b etwe en the equipm ent and receive r.
¦ Co nne ct the equ ipmen t into an o utlet on a circuit di fferent from that to w hich the receiver is conn ected.