PCH 7791
17 inch Atom Fanless Panel PC
© Copyright 2012 Acnodes, Inc.
All rights reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subject to change without notice. For latest product information,
please visit Acnodes’ web site at www.acnodes.com.
14628 Central Ave.
Chino, CA91710
Tel:909.597.7588, Fax:909.597.1939
7.2.2 So ftware F unctions
U pon rebooti ng, the com puter autom at ically fin ds the new 6000 controller board. T he touch screen is
connec ted but not calibrated. F ollow th e procedures bel ow to carry out cal ibra tion.
1. A fter installa tion, click the Pen M ount M onitor ic on “P M ” in the m enu bar.
2. W hen the PenM ount C ontrol Panel a ppe ars, s elect a device to “C alibrate.”
nt Co ntrol Pa nel
T he functio ns of the PenM ount C on trol Panel are D evice , M ultip le M o nito rs ,To o ls and Ab o u t,
whi ch are explained i n the follow ing sections .
De vice
In thi s window, you can find out that how m an y devices be d ete cted on your system .
Ca librate
T his fun ction offers two ways to calibrate your touch s creen. ‘ Standard Cal ibration’ adjusts mos t touch
sc reens . ‘Adva nced Calib rati on’ adjusts aging tou ch screens.
S tandard Calib ration C lick this b u tto n an d arr o w s ap pea r
p o in ti ng to red sq u ares. U se yo u r fing er o r
stylu s to to u ch the r ed sq uar es in
seq u en ce. After th e fifth r ed p o in t
cal ibr ation is co m p lete. T o skip , p ress
‘E S C’.