PCH 7791
17 inch Atom Fanless Panel PC
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14628 Central Ave.
Chino, CA91710
Tel:909.597.7588, Fax:909.597.1939
2.2 Onboard Jumpers and Port Pinouts
1. JVCC IO (2.0 MM 1X3) PCI-104 port voltage selection jumper: selec t voltage for PC I-104+ device
2. JC LR _CMOS (2.0MM 1X3) CMOS clear jumper: CMOS clear operation will perm anently reset old
BIOS settings to factory defaults .
Procedures of C MOS c lear:
1. Turn off the system and unplug the power cord from the power outlet;
2. To clear the C MOS settings, us e the jumper cap to close pins 2 a nd 3 for about 3 seconds then
reinstall the jumper clip b ack to pins 1 and 2.
3. Pow er o n th e s ystem again;
4. When entering the POST sc reen, press the <D EL> ke y to enter CMOS Setup U tility to load optimal
5. After the above operations, s ave changes and exit BIOS Setup.