PCH 7591
15 inch Atom Fanless Panel PC
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Chino, CA91710
Tel:909.597.7588, Fax:909.597.1939
Multiple Monitors
Multiple Monitors supports from two to six touch s cre en d isplays fo r one s ystem. The PenMount
d rive rs f or Windows 2000/XP support Multiple Monitors . This function supports f rom two to six touch
s creen displays for one s ystem. Each monitor requires its own PenMount touch sc reen c on trol boa rd,
e ither installed ins ide the display or in a centra l unit. The PenMount control boards must be connected
to the computer COM ports via t he RS-232 int erfac e. Driver installation procedures are the same as
fo r a s ingle monitor. Multiple Monitors support s the following modes:
Windows Extend Monitor Fun ction
Matrox DualHe ad Multi-Sc reen Function
nVid ia nVie w Function
NOTE: The Multip le Monitors function is fo r use with multiple displays only. Do not u se this function if
y ou have only one touch screen display. Please note onc e you turn on this function the Rot ating
fu nction is disabled.
Enable the multiple display function as follows:
1 . Check the “Multiple Monitor Support” box ; then click “Map Touch Screens” to assign touch
c ontrollers to displays.
2 . When the mapping s creen message appears, clic k “OK”