This chap ter contains ge neral inf orm atio n and detaile d spe cifications of the
FPC7161. Ch apter 1 in cludes the following sections:
Gene ral Descrip tio n
Spe cification
Dimen sions
I/ O Outlets
Packa ge List
The FPC7161 adopts a 15 .6-inch WXGA TFT L CD with 300-nit brigh tness and an
At om
proce ssor D2 550 1.86 GH z to pro vide exce llent com puting p erformance and
therma l resistan ce. This fanless pla tf orm is especially de signed for o pera tin g un der
hea vy-d uty environme nt including steel refinery, oil pipe, ship, m ach ine maker operating
systems and man y more. Having below ab ilities makes FPC716 1 surely a most
robust and cost-e ff ect ive solutio n.
FPC71 61 f eatures a technology o f wid e operating temp erature ran ge which allows it to work
betwe en -10°C to +5 0°C. It incorpora tes co mpact ID and f anless cooling syst em with a low
powe r Inte l
Ato m
p ro cessor D25 50 1.86 GHz, making the platform a power-efficient
solu tion .
The FPC7161 ado pts a fan-less cooling syste m, which makes it especially su itable for
vibration-heavy en viron ments, best f or th e tra nsp orta tion , ship, and in dustrial machinery
markets. For high capa city storage requ ireme nt, FPC7 161 ca n work unde r 2.0G (5 ~
500 Hz, ran dom for Compa
) in op era tion mod e with a paten t of anti-vibration
design. Th e patent improves the syste m relia bilit y and susta ina bility.