4.3 Embedded O.S.
The FPC5121 provides the WES 7. The O.S. is suppor ted devices which are listed below.
4.3.1 WES 7
Here are supported onboard devices:
Onboard Multi I/O
PS2 Keyboard and mouse
CRT/LCD display(Default 18bits Resolution 800x600)
10/100/1000 base-T Ethernet
Compact Flash
Onboard Audio
Touch Screen
PenM ount Touch screen
Before you can use and calibrate it, here is what you should do:
1. Set up Penmount touch device driver by executing C:\Penm ount\ Windows 2000-XP
V5.0\setup.exe. When the installation is finished, an icon s 2000-X P V5.0\sthe Taskbar.
2. Calibrate Penmount touch by clicking on the “he brate, and the go on the calibration
3. Restart the c omputer.