Save Changes and Reset
When you have com pleted the system configuration changes, select this option to leave
Setup and reboot the computer so the new system configuration param eters can tak e
effect. Select Save Changes and Res et from the Save & Exit menu and press <Enter >.
Select Yes to save changes and reset.
Discard Changes and Reset
Select this option to quit Setup without making any permanent changes to the system
configuration and reboot the com puter. Select Discard Changes and Reset from the
Save & Exit m enu and press <Enter>. Select Yes to discard changes and reset.
Save Changes
When you have completed the system configuration changes, select this option to save
changes. Select Save Changes from the Save & Exit m enu and press <Enter>. Select
yes to save changes.
Discard Changes
Select this option to quit Setup without mak ing any perm anent changes to the system
configuration. Select Discard Changes from the Save & Exit m enu and press <Enter>.
Select Yes to discard changes.
Restore Defaults
It autom atically sets all Setup options to a complete set of default settings when you
select this option. Select Restore Defaults from the Save & Exit menu and press
Save as User Defaults
Select this option to save system configuration changes done so far as User Defaults.
Select Save as User Defaults from the Save & Exit menu and press <Enter >.
Restore User Defaults
It automatically sets all Setup options to a complete set of User Defaults when you
select this option. Select Restore User Defaults from the Save & Exit menu and press
Boot Override
Select a drive to immediately boot that device regardless of the current boot order.