4.3 Embedded O.S.
The FES5105 provides the WES 7. The O.S. is supported devices which are listed below.
4.3.1 WES 7
Here are supported onboard devices:
Onboard Multi I/O
PS2 Keyboard and mouse
Compact Flash
CRT/LCD display(Default 18bits Resolution 800x600)
10/100/1000 base-T Ethernet
Onboard Audio
Touch Screen
PenM ount Touch screen
Before you can use and calibrate it, here is what you should do:
1. Set up Penmount touch device driver by executing C:\Penmount\ Windows 2000-XP
V5.0\setup.exe. When the installation is finished, an icon “PM” appears on the Task bar.
2. Calibrate Penmount touch by clicking on the “PM” icon, and the go on the calibration
3. Restart the computer.
4.3.2 Windows CE.NET 6.0
Here are supported onboard devices:
Onboard Multi I/O
PS2 Keyboard and mouse
CRT/LCD display
10/100/1000 base-T Ethernet
Onboard Audio
Touch Screen
Calibration Touch screen
In this image we add PenMount Touch drivers and utilities. It is customized for 800 x 600.
1. Click “Calibratyion” on desktop to calibrate touch screen.
2. In the start\program s m enu, select “save registr y”, thus Calibration data will be saved and
effective in next booting.