The Left and Right <Arrow> keys allow you to select a setup screen.
The Up and Down <Arrow> keys allow you to select a setup screen or sub-
The Plus and Minus <Arrow> keys allow you to change the field value of a
particular setup item.
The <Tab> key allows you to select setup fields.
The <F1> key allows you to display the General Help screen.
The <F2> key allows you to Load Previous Values.
The <F3> key allows you to Load Optimized Defaults.
The <F4> key allows you to save any changes you have made and exit
Setup. Press the <F4> key to save your changes.
The <Esc> key allows you to discard any changes you have made and exit
the Setup. Press the <Esc> key to exit the setup without saving your
The <Enter> key allows you to display or change the setup option listed for a
particular setup item. The <Enter> key can also allow you to display the
setup sub- screens.