Chapter 2 Configuration and Installation
National Instruments Corporation 2-5 SCXI-1161 User Manual
Jumper Use
Use the jumpers as follows:
• Jumper W1 connects a pullup resistor to the SERDATOUT signal
on the rear signal connector.
• Jumper W2 carries the SCXIbus MISO line, after buffering, to the
SERDATOUT signal on the rear signal connector.
• Jumpers W3, W4, and W5 select whether the SCXI-1161 is to be
connected to a DIO-type board or to an MIO-type board. DIO-type
boards are National Instruments boards that have only digital inputs
and outputs. These boards include the DIO-24, DIO-32F, and
DIO-96. MIO-type boards are National Instruments boards that
have at least analog and digital inputs and digital outputs. These
boards consist of MIO-16 boards; Lab-NB, Lab-PC, Lab-PC+, and
Lab-LC boards; and PC-LPM-16/PnP boards. If nothing is cabled
to the rear signal connector of the SCXI-1161, the positions of these
jumpers is irrelevant.
Further configuration of the board is software controlled and is
described later in this chapter.
Jumper Configuration
All five jumpers on the SCXI-1161 are for digital communication
between the data acquisition board and the SCXI-1161 module. Only
one module per chassis is connected to the data acquisition board,
which allows communication with all other modules. On the other
modules, the jumper settings are irrelevant.
The SCXI-1161 has two jumpers, W1 and W2, for communication
between the SCXI-1161 and the data acquisition board. Jumpers W3,
W4, and W5 indicate to the module what type of data acquisition board
will be connected to the module rear signal connector.
Jumper W1
Position 1 connects a 2.2 kΩ pullup resistor to the SERDATOUT line.
This is the factory-default setting. Position 3 disconnects the pullup
resistor from the SERDATOUT line.