Basic Setup and Traffic Meter
Verizon 4G LTE Router MBR1515LVW
Traffic Meter
Traffic metering allows you to monitor the volume of Internet traffic passing through your
router’s Internet port. With the traffic meter utility, you can set limits for traffic volume, set a
monthly limit, and get a live update of traffic usage. You enable separate traffic meters for the
mobile broadband connection and the Ethernet connection.
To monitor traffic on your router:
1. Log in to the router as described in Log In to Your Router on page 17.
2. From the main menu, select Tr
affic Meter.
The following screen displays:
3. Select the appropriate Traffic Meter Options radio button for the type of Internet connection
(for example, 4G LTE Broadband or WAN Ethernet) that you are setting up.
4. To enable the traffic meter, select the Enable Traffic Meter ch
eck box.