Jazz – Classical: The tightest, cleanest, lowest distortion
Games: Maximum loudness available for the impact
of video games.
The following table indicates musical style and which preset is
recommended for it.
Action Adventure Movies Movies
Country – Rock R&B – Rock
Country – Soft Jazz – Classical
Folk Jazz – Classical
Indie Music R&B – Rock
Pop R&B – Rock
Rock R&B – Rock
Alternative Rock Jazz – Classical
Blues Jazz – Classical
Broadway and Vocalists Jazz – Classical
Children’s Music Jazz – Classical
Christian and Gospel Jazz – Classical
Classic Rock R&B – Rock
Classical Jazz – Classical
Dance and DJ R&B – Rock
Hard Rock and Metal R&B – Rock
Latin Music R&B – Rock
Miscellaneous Jazz – Classical
Movies – Non-Action Adventure Jazz – Classical
New Age Jazz – Classical
Opera and Vocal Jazz – Classical
R&B R&B – Rock
Rap and Hip-Hop R&B – Rock
Soundtracks R&B – Rock or Jazz –
Video Games Games
Each preset has its own characteristics with respect to subsonic
filter, volume differential, and a single EQ in order to optimize the
listening mode for the preset.
The following table shows the settings for the various presets:
Preset Subsonic Filter EQ Frequency EQ Level Volume
Frequency Differential
Movies 24 Hz 37 Hz +4 dB +8 dB
R&B - Rock 27 Hz 52 Hz +3 dB +5 dB
Jazz - Classical 24 Hz N/A N/A N/A
Games 34 Hz 62 +4 dB +4 dB
There is a feature that allows you to restore
default settings for your DLS-R subwoofer. By pressing presets in
EXACTLY the following order on the remote, the unit's power light
will blink three times indicating that you have restored defaults.
1. Movies
2. R&B - Rock
3. Jazz - Classical
4. Games
5. Games
6. Jazz - Classical
7. R&B - Rock
8. Movies
When you press the presets in the above order, the power light will
blink three times indicating that you have restored defaults. The
default preset is Jazz-Classical, and the unit's volume is reset to
level 35 (out of 100).