Follow the steps below to upgrade the firmware on your router.
NOTE: Updating the firmware may erase some or all of your
configuration changes. Be sure to record any
configuration changes you have made before
updating the router’s firmware.
1. Open a browser window and login to the router.
2. In the menu at the left side of the screen, click System
Administration, then Firmware Update. This opens the
Firmware Update screen (see Figure 37).
Figure 37 Firmware Update Screen
3. Click the website hyperlink at the top of the screen to go to
the Uniden product support page.
4. Search for the correct router firmware update by clicking on
the hypertext on the Firmware Update screen and
searching for your model number (WNR2004)
5. Download the firmware update file to you PC.
6. At the Firmware Update screen, click the Browse button
and find the firmware update file on your PC.
7. Click the Update button to update the firmware.
Wireless Configuration
The WNR2004 802.11b Access Point/Router is configured to
work with other 802.11b wireless products directly out of the box.
There is no need for you to configure your Access Point, unless
you want to enable increased security (WEP), or other
configuration options (see Figure 38).
If you want to change the default configurations, you will need to
access the browser-based utility of the WNR2004 AP and select
the Wireless Configuration from the menu on the left hand
Note: If you are having trouble communicating with your
Access Point, please see “Trouble Shooting” on
page 90.
Set each of the parameters on this page as desired, and click
Apply. The parameters are described in more detail below
The Service Set Identifier (SSID) is a 32-character,
case-sensitive field that identifies your WNR2004 Wireless
AP/Router and wireless network to wireless clients that support
the IEEE 802.11b wireless standard. You should use a unique
SSID to control access to your private network, and to prevent
conflicts with other wireless networks that may be nearby. The
WNR2004 Wireless AP/Router is configured with a default
SSID of UNIDEN (see Figure 38).
Note: All clients on the same wireless LAN must have the
same SSID. If you change the SSID on the
WNR2004 Wireless AP/Router, you must change the
SSID for each computer and/or device you are