Using AT Commands
What are AT commands ?
The Hayes developed various commands for directing operation methods of a modem from the
beginning, and a set of these commands soon became industrial standards. All these
commands begin with „AT‟, therefore they are called „AT Commands‟. Nowadays, most modems
receive these sets of commands and the MULTI-4MP Multi-Modem accepts the AT Commands
as well.
Usage of AT Command
- Start a story or the similar communication program on a computer to enter the command mode,
and enter a command. Then, press the enter key to run the command. Enter it regardless of
capital or small letters.
Ex) AT&V
AT Commands
- A/ : Final Repeat Command
Reruns the AT command that was run for the first time.
This command should end in '/'. Do not press the enter key.
Selects CCITT of 1200, 2400 BPS and the bell mode.
Not-valid when the ANT\ command (automatic selection) is run.
Register: S27 (BIT6)
Parameter: 0,1(0 = CCITT, 1 = BELL)
- ATDn : Dial
The ATD relates to dialing and its parameter is as follows.
Parameter : 0 ~ 9 ABCD *#LPTR!@W,:
ATDT = Electronic (Default)
ATDP = Mechanical
Controls an echo for an inputted command while the modem is inputting the command.
Parameter : 0,1(0 = Echo No, 1 = Echo Yes)