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If a problem occurs, refer to the following troubleshooting table. If you
are still unable to solve the problem, contact your dealer or the Shure
Service Department at (847) 866-5733 (7:30 am – 4:00 pm Central Time).
In Europe, phone 49-7131-72140. Other International users , phone:(847)
No sound; RF and
Audio LEDs on
SC4 are not lit.
Make sure transmitter and receiver are turned on.
Check transmitter battery fuel gauge. If necessary, replace
Make sure the receiver power supply is plugged into an ac
outlet and into the receiver POWER jack.
Make sure frequency selector switch settings on transmitter
and receiver are identical and are not in between channels.
Check receiver squelch setting.
Make sure receiver antenna connections are good.
Make sure transmitter and receiver antennas are in a line-of-
sight, with no reflective obstacles between them. If neces-
sary, reduce the distance between the transmitter and the
No sound; RF
and Audio LEDs
on SC4 are lit.
With the transmitter power switch ON, turn up the receiver
volume control.
Check receiver and microphone mixer connections.
Talk into the microphone and observe the receiver audio
LEDs. If they illuminate, the problem is elsewhere in the
sound system.
Received signal
is noisy or con-
tains extraneous
Check battery fuel gauge and replace battery if power is low.
Look for strong local sources of interference and remove
them, if possible.
Reposition receiver or antennas, or change SC system fre-
Two transmitters may be operating on the same frequency.
Locate them and turn one of them off.
Signal may be too weak. Move receiver antennas closer to
the transmitter.
Adjust receiver squelch control.
The transmitter audio gain control may be set too low. Adjust
as necessary.
Noise from re-
ceiver with trans-
mitter turned off;
popping sound
when transmitter
is turned on or off.
The tone key squelch switch may be set to the OFF position.
Open door on receiver to access controls and return switch
to ON position.
Adjust receiver squelch control.
Look for strong local sources of interference and remove
them, if possible.
Reposition receiver or antennas, or change SC system fre-