RENAULT CARD: general information (2/2)
Avoid leaving the card in hot, cold or
humid areas.
Do not keep the RENAULT card in
a place where it could be bent or
damaged accidentally, such as in a
back pocket of a garment.
Replacement: need for an
additional RENAULT Card
If you lose your RENAULT card or
require another, you can obtain one
from an approved dealer.
If a RENAULT card is replaced, it
will be necessary to take the vehi-
cle and all of its RENAULT cards
to an approved dealer to initialise
the system.
You may use up to four RENAULT
cards per vehicle.
Distance lighting function
Pressing button 4 switches on the
dipped beam headlights, the indicator
lights and the interior lighting for ap-
proximately 30 seconds. This can be
used, for example, to identify the vehi-
cle from a distance when parked in a
car park.
Note: Pressing button 4 again switches
off the lighting.
Driver’s responsibility
Never leave an animal,
child or adult who is not
self-sufficient alone in your
vehicle, even for a short time.
They may pose a risk to themselves
or to others by starting the engine,
activating equipment such as the
electric windows or locking the
doors, for example.
Also, in hot and/or sunny weather,
please remember that the tempera-
ture inside the passenger compart-
ment increases very quickly.