Burley Bee Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual
No Headphones or Other Distraction
Do not bicycle or stroll with head phones, radios, or other dis trac tions. You must be
able to hear surrounding traffi c, and con cen trate on safe bicycling at all times.
No Motorized Vehicles
Your Burley Solo is only in tend ed for use with pedal-pow ered cy cles; never pull it
with a motorized vehicle, as the in creased ac cel er a tion and speed could damage the
trail er or cause the trailer to tip over.
Prevent Trailer Tip Over
Just like automobile and mo tor cy cle trailers, bicycle trail ers can tip over. To avoid
over turn ing: Do not pull your trail er over curbs or hit holes or other obstructions
in the road. In struct children not to bounce, rock, or lean, which can cause a shift of
weight. Do not make high-speed turns or descents when pulling the trail er. Always
corner with caution at 5 m.p.h. or less, as the trailer cannot lean into a turn the way
a bicycle can. Do not under any cir cum stanc es travel fast er than 15 m.p.h.—all road
ir reg u lar i ties and your slow ness to re act are greatly magnifi ed.
Trailers can tip over causing dam age to trailer and serious
injury to cyclist or pas sen gers.
AVOID causes of tip over, es pe cial ly
• Children leaning or bounc ing
• Hitting potholes, curbs, other
road ob struc tions
• Taking turns too fast
• Sudden swerving
• Off-banked turns
• Improper wheel in stal la tion
• Improper tire infl ation