hardware handshake. Method of flow control using two con-
trol lines, usually Request to Send (RTS) and Clear to Send
header. The portion of a packet, preceding the actual data,
containing source and destination addresses and error-check-
ing fields.
HMAC. Hash-based Message Authentication Code
hop. A unit for measuring the number of routers a packet has
passed through when traveling from one network to another.
hop count. Distance, measured in the number of routers to be
traversed, from a local router to a remote network. See metric.
hub. Another name for a repeater. The hub is a critical network
element that connects everything to one centralized point. A
hub is simply a box with multiple ports for network connections.
Each device on the network is attached to the hub via an Ether-
net cable.
IKE. Internet Key Exchange protocol provides automated key
management and is a preferred alternative to manual key man-
agement as it provides better security. Manual key manage-
ment is practical in a small, static environment of two or three
sites. Exchanging the key is done through manual means.
Because IKE provides automated key exchange, it is good for
larger, more dynamic environments.
INSPECTION. The best option for Internet communications
security is to have an SMLI firewall constantly inspecting the
flow of traffic: determining direction, limiting or eliminating