datagram. Logical grouping of information sent as a network-
layer unit. Compare frame, packet.
DCE. Digital Communication Equipment. Device that connects
the communication circuit to the network end node (DTE). A
modem and a CSU/DSU are examples of a DCE.
dedicated line. Communication circuit that is used exclusively
to connect two network devices. Compare dial on demand.
DES. Data Encryption Standard is a 56-bit encryption algo-
rithm developed by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards (now
the National Institute of Standards and Technology).
3DES. Triple DES, with a 168 bit encryption key, is the most
accepted variant of DES.
DH Group. Diffie-Hellman is a public key algorithm used
between two systems to determine and deliver secret keys
used for encryption. Groups 1, 2 and 5 are supported. Also,
see Diffie-Hellman listing.
DHCP. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A network configu-
ration protocol that lets a router or other device assign IP
addresses and supply other network configuration information
to computers on your network.
dial on demand. Communication circuit opened over standard
telephone lines when a network connection is needed.
Diffie-Hellman. A group of key-agreement algorithms that let
two computers compute a key independently without exchang-
ing the actual key. It can generate an unbiased secret key over
an insecure medium.