Orbit II Disc-to-Disc Copier Reference Manual – Revision I
Orbit II Stand Alone 48X CD-to-CD Office Copier with Burn Proof
Table of Contents
Section 1 Introduction: 3
Section 2 Setting Up your CD-R Copying Area: 4
Section 3 CD-R & CD-RW Media Recommendations: 5
Section 4 CD, CD-R, and CD-RW Master Considerations: 7
Section 5 Installation & Setup: 9
5.1 Inspecting the shipment for Damage 9
5.2 Unpacking the Orbit II and verifying shipment contents 9
5.3 Installing the Orbit II: 10
5.4 Initial Orbit II Copying System Checks: 13
5.5 Navigating the Orbit II Menu Tree: 13
5.6 Loading & Unloading CD-Rs: 17
5.7 CD-R Handling Tests: 22
5.8 Writer and Reader Test: 23
6.0 Basic Orbit II Operations : 25
6.1 Copy CD-to-CD?: 25
6.2 Copy and Compare?: 26
6.3 Compare CD?: 27
6.4 Copy CD+G 27
7.0 Advanced Orbit II Operation: 28
Section 8 Maintenance 29
8.1 Routine Maintenance: 29
Section 9 Troubleshooting: 30
Section 10 Prior to Calling for Assistance 31
Section 11 References 32
11.1 Warranty 32
11.2 Technical Support Telephone #: 32
11.3 Regulatory Agency Approvals: 32
11.4 Specifications: 33
Attachment A Orbit II Menu Tree Error! Bookmark not defined.
Attachment C Orbit II Error Messages 37
Attachment D What is BurnProof? 38