Instructions for Use V 1.9 RevD - 05/2013
6. Cleaning and Maintenance
Outer surfaces
• Cleantheoutersurfaces(includingthoseof
the automated cassette unload station) with
a mild detergent and subsequently dry with a
slightly moistened cloth.
• Donotuseanysolventsforcleaningtheouter
surfaces and the lid!
Automated unload station
• Removetheunloadtrays;withabrush,remove
dust and debris from guides and ejector.
• Thetraysthemselvescanbecleanedwitha
household cleaner.
• Donotuseanysolventstocleanthetrays!
• Priortoreinsertingthemintotheinstrument,
the trays must be completely dry.
• Dryingstation(Fig. 51)
The chute must be clean.
Fig. 51
Slide guiding mechanisms
• Thedrawerfor brokenglass (77) is located
above the slot for the ink cartridge, behind
the left cover (5). It prevents glass dust and
broken glass from falling into the interior of
the instrument. The drawer can be pulled out
sideways by grasping the black handle (78)
and must be cleaned regularly (Fig. 52).
• Brokenglasscaneasilyberemoved-usea
brush and remove any glass through the open-
ing in the center of the drawer.
Fig. 52
77 78
Drawer for broken glass
Sensitive electronics components are
located in this area.
Use no liquid in this area!