Failure to use driver and passenger seat belts provided
is a major cause of severe or fatal injury. In fact, the U.S.
government notes that the universal use of existing seat
belts could cut the highway death toll by 10,000 or more
each year, and could reduce disabling injuries by 2
million annually. In a roll over crash, an unbelted person
is significantly more likely to die than a person wearing
a seal belt. Always buckle up.
Although your vehicle may be equipped with a soft top
or optional hard top to give the occupants protection
from the weather, these tops do not offer structural
protection in the event of an accident and do not change
the open-body characteristic of the vehicle. Even though
your vehicle has a sport bar and side bars for some extra
protection, it is a truly open vehicle-there is no structural
integrated top and it has low sides and a folding wind-
shield. Many of these vehicles do not have fully enclosed
hard doors.
Operating this vehicle at excessive speeds or while
intoxicated may result in loss of control, collision with
other vehicles or objects, going off the road, or overturn-
ing, any of which may lead to serious injury or death.
Also, failure to use standard seat belts subjects the
driver and passengers to a greater risk of being thrown
out of an open-body vehicle than out of a closed vehicle
in an accident which can result in injury or death.
This manual has been prepared with the assistance of
service and engineering specialists to acquaint you with
the operation and maintenance of your new vehicle. It is
supplemented by a Warranty Information Booklet and
various customer oriented documents. You are urged to
read these publications carefully. Following the instruc-
tions and recommendations in this manual will help
assure safe and enjoyable operation of your vehicle.