Parameter Specification Unit QA Test Limits Conditions Notes
ATO Turn-on time < 1 Sec
Amp connected and AC on, then input
signal applied
Auto Mute/ Turn-OFF Time 10 minutes
Functional T before muting, after signal is removed Auto turn of time (T) must be 5 > T <15
Power on Delay time 3 sec.
Functional AC Power Applied
ATO Transient 5 mV-peak
10 @ Speaker Outputs
Turn-on Transient 50 mV-peak
100 @ Speaker Outputs AC Line cycled from OFF to ON
Turn-off Transient 50 mV-peak
100 @ Speaker Outputs AC Line cycled from ON to OFF
Stand-by Input Power 13 Watts
@ nom. line voltage Unit active, no
signal applied (Green LED)
Maximum allowable input power under
nominal Input voltage and frequency, HOT
or COLD operation.
Power Cons/Amps.@rated
power 120V Model
192 / 1.89 Watts/Amps
208 / 2.00 @ 120V-60 Hz (Nom.line voltage)
100 Watts @ 4 Ohms nominal line voltage
Power Cons/Amps.@rated
power230V Model
208 / 1.1 Watts/Amps
210 / 1.2 @ 230V-50 Hz (Nom.line voltage)
100 Watts @ 4 Ohms nominal line voltage
Short Circuit Protection YES --
Functional Direct short at output
Thermal Protection 65 deg. C --
Functional @1/8 max unclipped Power
Temperature rise should not exceed 35K
DC Offset Protection YES --
Functional DC present at Speaker Out leads Relay or crowbar (for driver/fire protection)
Line Fuse Rating
120VAC 2.5 Amps
Type-T or Slo Blo External fuse with UL/SEMKO rated holder
230VAC 1.25 Amps
Type-T or Slo Blo External fuse with UL/SEMKO rated holder
BALBOA series SUB10