The following conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
Caps Lock Print Screen
Indicates two keys that you must press in
combination. Press and hold the first key while
you press the second key.
Lock 0
Indicates two keys that you must press in
sequence. Press and release the first key before
you press the second.
Caps Lock Alt F11
Indicates three keys that you must press in
combination, holding the first two down while
pressing the third.
kpd Indicates a key on the numeric keypad.
Proper Setup and Use
Important Information
Certain recent scientific literature suggests that poor posture, work
habits, or office equipment setup may cause injuries. Other literature
suggests that there is no cause and effect. Because the safety of
our users is a great concern, it is important to take the precautions
described in Table 1.
If you experience pain or discomfort while using the terminal, take a
substantial break and review the instructions for posture and work
habits. If your pain or discomfort continues when you resume using
the terminal, discontinue use and report the condition to your job
supervisor or physician.