AR1200 Series Enterprise Routers
The AR1200 supports various interface cards, including Ethernet interface cards, E1/T1/PRI/VE1/VT1 interface
cards, synchronous/asynchronous interface cards, ADSL2+/G.SHDSL interface cards, FXS/FXO voice cards and ISDN
interface cards. These cards are classied into SIC (Smart Interface Card) cards and WSIC (Double-Width SIC) cards
depending on slot type. The following are the appearances and description of main interface cards.
The AR1200 uses the multi-core CPU and non-blocking switching structure and provides industry-leading system
performance, meeting network extension requirements and service development requirements of enterprises.
Multi-core CPU•
The multi-core CPU improves the speed of concurrent processing of data and voice services, which makes it
possible to deploy a large number of services.
Non-blocking switching•
Independent protocol management, service processing, and data switching, ensuring high performance and •
improving service reliability
Integrated routing and switching functions•
This feature improves the data switching efciency between interface cards and simplies device congurations
and maintenance.
Hot swappable interface cards and redundant components such as fan modules, ensuring service reliability and •
rd Generation AR with Industry-Leading Performance
WSIC card SIC card SIC card
L2/L3 Ethernet interface card
FXS/FXO voice card
Channelized E1/T1/PRI/VE1/VT1
multifunctional interface card
Interfaces work in 10/100 Mbit/•
s or 10/100/1000 Mbit/s auto-
sensing mode.
Provides the Layer 2 and Layer •
3 Ethernet switching function,
and enables the AR1200 to
communicate with other devices
in a LAN network.
Sends, receives, and processes •
E1/T1 data trafc.
Provides channelized E1/T1 •
access, and groups and binds
Provides the VoIP function over •
the E1/T1 line.
Provides the ISDN PRI function.•
Provides the local and remote •
loopback functions for test and
Supports access and processing •
of AT0 loop trunk of analog
phone, fax, and telephone
Transmits voice signals over IP •
Features and Benefits