S4/8 Owners Manual Ver 0.1
abso lu te fideli ty
The final touch will be a fifth subwoofer added into one corner of the
room. This will excite all room modes equally, so pick any convenient
corner. In asymmetric rooms, find a corner that makes the system
sound smoothest. This subwoofer can be used to also augment the
nearest speaker to make it full-range.
Bass frequencies are not localizable below 60Hz. With a
wavelength of over 18 feet (6 meters), it is possible to use a
subwoofer with the low-pass set at 60Hz to augment nearly
any loudspeaker in a reasonably sized room (longest
dimension < 18 feet).
The response of any subwoofer (or even the bass response
of any loudspeaker) is very placement dependent. Whether
it is placed against a wall, into a corner, or on a pedestal will
change its response and gain. Hence, it will be necessary to
tune EACH subwoofer individually before tuning them all
Each subwoofer in a multi-LFE installation will have a
different frequency response. Each will excite different room
modes depending on positioning. Multiple subwoofers will
more likely smooth out such bass problems, however, while
theoretically more subwoofers are better, five is really all you
need in a reasonably sized room.
Sound waves are 3-dimensional. Hence, placing
subwoofers at differing heights in the room will also help
even out the bass response of the room.
For even
information on setting up multiple subwoofers,
check out the Genesis white paper “Setting up an absolute
surround distributed bass multi-channel music/movie system”.
Good luck!