Features RHINO 3000 RHINO 5000 RHINO 6000/6500
Typical End-Users
Key Features
Custom Logos
Label Widths
Label Memory
LCD Display Lines
Max Print Lines
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Dymo Rhino Printer Selection Guide
969 Horsham Road
Horsham, Pennsylvania 19044 USA
Rhino Printer Selection Guide
- Security Installer
- Home Theater Installer
- Professional A/V Technician
- Residential Contractor
- Over 150 pre-programmed
industry terms
- “Hot Keys” for fast and easy
label formatting including cable
wraps, flags, vertical, serialized
and fixed length labels
- Manual Cutter
65 symbols included
Up to 1/2” wide RHINO labels
Stores 25 custom labels
1 line/13 characters
- Datacomm Installer
- Facility Manager
- Engineer
- Commercial Contractor
- Electrical Contractor
- Residential Contractor
- Makes a patch panel in 6 steps
- “Hot Keys” for fast and easy
label formatting including patch
panel, vertical, serialized and
fixed length labels, plus
enhanced vertical and horizon-
tal label wrap function
- Prints bar codes (Code 39 &
- Manual cutter
24 symbols included
Up to 3/4” wide RHINO labels
Stores 8 custom labels
2 lines/30 characters
- Security Installer
- Home Theater Installer
- Professional A/V Technician
- Facility Manager
- Engineer
- Electrical/Commercial Contractor
- Datacomm Installer
- Assembly Shops
- PC connectivity
- Upgradeable firmware
- Over 150 pre-programmed industry
terms, plus the ability to customize
your own library of terms, customized
logos & more
- “Hot Keys” for easy label formatting
including patch panel, vertical, and
fixed length labels, wire flags, vertical
and horizontal cable wraps, and
enhanced serialized labels including
reverse patch panel labels
- Large LCD to preview multiple labels
or entire label files
- One-touch power-assisted cutter
(6000 only)
- One-touch auto cutter (6500 only)
- Integrated impact bumpers
- QWERTY keyboard (6500 only)
included (6500 only)
121 categorized symbols and the ability
to customize your own library of symbols
Up to 1” wide RHINO labels
Stores 1000+ custom labels including
logos, graphics and text
2 lines/46 characters (3 lines with the
caption bar turned off)
The RHINO 3000, 5000, 6000 and 6500
are all very different label printers, so
different that many installers see the
need to own one, two or even all three
printers. Below is an at-a-glance com-
parison of each printer’s features and
functions. Choose the one or ones that
are best for your needs.