Manual Open/Close
• Press and hold the switch rearward to open or forward to close the sunroof. Any
release of the switch will stop the movement, and the sunroof will remain in a partially
open or closed position until the switch is pressed again.
Venting Sunroof
• Press and release the "VENT" button, and the sunroof will open to the vent position.
This is called “Express Vent” and will occur regardless of sunroof position. During
Express Vent operation, any movement of the switch will stop the sunroof.
Pinch Protection Feature
• This feature will detect an obstruction in the opening of the sunroof during Express
Close operation. If an obstruction in the path of the sunroof is detected, the sunroof
will automatically return to the open position.
NOTE: Pinch protection is disabled while the switch is pressed and held during manual
opening and closing of the sunroof.
• Wind buffeting can be described as a helicopter-type percussion sound. If buffeting
occurs with the rear windows open, adjust the front and rear windows together.
• If buffeting occurs with the sunroof open, adjust the sunroof opening, or adjust any
window. This will minimize buffeting.