DWL-8600AP Unied Wireless 802.11n Access Point
Advanced Power Saving
(APSD). Unscheduled APSD (U-APSD) is a power management method that is more
ecient than older 802.11 Power Save Polling.The primary benet of U-APSD is that
it allows for the voice client to synchronize the transmission and reception of voice
frames with the AP, thereby allowing the client to go into power saving mode when not
sending or receiving packets. The DWL-8600AP is fully compliant with 802.3af even when
operating at maximum power.
Centrally Managed From Unified Wired/Wireless Switch
The DWL-8600AP can operate in conjunction with a D-Link unied wireless switch or
controller. In this mode, multiple DWL-8600APs can connect directly or indirectly to
aDWS-4026toprovideunparalleled security and wireless mobility for wirelessclients.
automatically congures every reachable DWL-8600AP in it’s AP database so no
conguration is necessary during installation. If a DWL-8600AP needs to be replaced,
the replacement DWL-8600AP automatically inherits the same conguration, making
the replacement process a simpler one.
Intelligent Standalone Access Point
The DWL-8600AP has everything on board that enables network administrators to set
up a secure wireless network and to connect to any Ethernet-compliant switch and
router. Advanced wireless functions that the DWL-8600AP supports include: WEP data
encryption, WPA/WPA2 security, client MAC address ltering, AP load balancing, QoS/
WMM (Wireless Multimedia), and Rogue AP Detection. Security conguration settings
can be locally stored on the DWL-8600AP itself. Wireless connections can easily be
expanded by adding more DWL-8600APs or other 802.11a/g/n compliant APs to the site.
conguration of all APs. Businesses without complicated network requirements can use
the DWL-8600AP to get a wireless network set up and running without the need for any
additional special hardware.
Flexible Dual Band Wireless LAN Connectivity
The DWL-8600AP delivers concurrent wireless performance and maximum wireless signal
rates in both frequency bands simultaneously. With dual band connectivity, two wireless
networks are created both running at full bandwidth speeds, oering a signicant
increase in total network capacity. At the same time, the DWL-8600AP remains fully
• 802.1QVLANTaggingfornetworksegmentation
• MACaddressltering
• RogueAPDetection
• 16SSIDPerFrequencyBand,32TotalPerAP
Convenient Installation and Conguration
• 802.3afPoweroverEthernet
• Lockingbracketsincluded
• StandaloneAP:Web-basedManagementandCLI
• ManagedAP:viaDWS-4026,DWS-3160,DWC-1000
• SupportsAPClustering
• SupportsWirelessDistributionSystem(WDS)
Quality of Service
• WMM(Wi-FiMultimedia)
• SVP(SpectraLinkVoicePriority)