ICS Remote Tools User Guide
This guide is intended for administrators who want to centrally manage one or more Norstar
systems from a computer remote to the system. The communication between the system and the
remote computer is established by connecting a Remote Access Device (RAD) to the Norstar
system, providing a way for the remote computer that is running ICS Remote Tools (ICSRT) to
establish a programming connection to the Norstar system.
How this guide is organized
This guide is organized in the following sections:
• Application overview: Chapter 1, “Understanding remote management”, on page 15 provides
an overview of remote management using ICSRT.
• Remote computer: Chapter 2, “Setting up ICS Remote Tools”, on page 25 provides computer
parameters and how to install the application on your computer.
• Customer database: Chapter 3, “Setting up customers in ICSRT”, on page 35 describes how
to set up customer records in the CustomerInfo database.
• Connecting to a system: Chapter 4, “Connecting to a Norstar system from ICSRT”, on page
51 provides a list of required information about the Norstar systems you want to connect to,
about the RAD, and about how the computer you are using is connected.
• Configuration tools:
— Chapter 5, “Understanding the Remote Set tool”, on page 55 provides information about
using the ICSRT Remote set tool.
— Chapter 6, “Understanding the Browser tool”, on page 63 provides information about
using the ICSRT Browser tool
— Chapter 7, “Using Workbooks and off-line programming”, on page 83 provides
information about using the ICSRT Workbooks
• Backup and Restore data: Chapter 8, “Backing up and restoring Norstar data”, on page 107
provides instructions about setting up a backup or restore, and how to schedule the system to
automatically perform backups.
• Troubleshooting system operation: Chapter 9, “Troubleshooting the ICS Remote Tool”, on
page 121 provides instructions about dealing with error conditions, and using the Debug tool
under the guidance of your customer support.