Cisco 12000 Series Internet Router Configuration Guide for Cisco IOS Release 12.0S
Basic Configuration of the
Cisco 12000 Series Internet Router
This chapter describes how to boot and configure the Cisco 12000 Series Internet Router. It discusses
the following subjects:
• Cisco IOS Software Images, page 2-1
• Configuring the Router, page 2-3
• Configuration Tasks, page 2-5
• Route Processing, page 2-9
• PCMCIA Flash Memory Tasks, page 2-11
• Upgrading and Backing Up Cisco IOS Software Images and Configuration Files, page 2-13
For information on installing your router or LED indications during the boot process, refer to your
installation and configuration guide.
Cisco IOS Software Images
By default, your router ships with a Cisco IOS software image preloaded into the Flash memory card or
Flash disk inserted in PCMCIA slot 0 on the Route Processor (RP). Initially, your router is configured
to boot from this image. You can change this default and configure the router to boot from a Flash
memory card or Flash disk in slot 1 on the RP, or from a TFTP server. If you specify that the router boot
from an image on a TFTP server, you must verify that you have an Ethernet connection to the URL of
the TFTP server.
In addition, there is a mini-software image preloaded into the single inline memory module (SIMM) or
bootflash. This image can be used to boot the router if there is no other valid image available. It provides
a limited number of configuration commands that you can use to locate a valid Cisco IOS software image
or correct basic configuration problems. This image provides no routing capabilities.
Related issues are discussed in the following sections:
• Locating a Valid Cisco IOS Software Image, page 2-2
• Manually Booting from a Cisco IOS Software Image, page 2-2