Cisco 12000 Series Internet Router Configuration Guide for Cisco IOS Release 12.0S
Chapter 2 Basic Configuration of the Cisco 12000 Series Internet Router
Upgrading and Backing Up Cisco IOS Software Images and Configuration Files
This completes the Cisco IOS software upgrade procedure.
Note If there is not enough room on the Flash memory card or Flash disk to perform the copy, an error message
is displayed to the console. In this case, you will need to delete more files to make room for the new
software image, as described in Step 2 and Step 3 of the procedure above.
Copying Cisco IOS Software Images Between Flash Memory Cards or Flash
You can store a Cisco IOS software image on a Flash memory card or Flash disk for backup purposes.
You can then copy the software image to the Flash memory card or Flash disk that you are using in your
Note Flash memory cards and Flash disks must be formatted before they are used for the first time. If you have
not formatted the Flash memory card or Flash disk, see the “Formatting a Flash Memory Card or Flash
Disk” section on page 2-11.
Note Copying images between flash memory cards can take a long time.
To copy a Cisco IOS software image file from one Flash memory card or Flash disk to another, follow
these steps:
Step 7
Destination filename [gsr-p-mz.120-7.4.5]?
Specifies the name of the file to be created on the Flash memory
media. Press Return to use the same name as the source file.
After you enter the name of the destination file, the router begins
to copy the file. When the privileged EXEC prompt is displayed
(Router#), the copy is complete.
Step 8
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line.
End with CNTL/Z.
Enters global configuration mode.
Step 9
Router(config)# boot system flash
Specifies that at startup, the router loads the software image
named gsr-p-mz.120-7.4.5, located on the Flash memory card in
slot 0.
Step 10
Router(config)# config-register 0x0102
Disables the Break function and enables the boot system flash
command (specified in the previous Step).
Step 11
Router(config)# Ctrl-Z
Exits global configuration mode.
Step 12
Router# copy running-config startup-config
Router# write memory
Saves the software configuration register settings to NVRAM.
Step 13
Router# reload
Reboots the router and uses the specified image on the Flash
memory card inserted in PCMCIA slot 0 to boot the system.
Command Purpose