Map Commands
Navigation zoom in, navigation zoom out: These
commands instruct the system to zoom in or out on
the map.
Navigation [change] map direction: This command
instructs the system to change the direction of the map
to heading up/north up depending on previous setting.
Navigation store [this point], navigation mark
[this point]: These commands instruct the system to
store or mark a point in its memory. These commands
are available while a map screen is displayed.
Navigation [change to] 3-D map [mode], navigation
[change to] 2-D map [mode]: These commands
instruct the system to switch between 2-D and 3-D map
modes. These commands are available while a map
screen is displayed.
Point of Interest (POI) Commands
The following is a list of POI commands. State the
commands exactly as they are written to receive
information from the system regarding that specific
command. POIs will only display on the map screen
if the map scale is
mile (1 km) or less.
If you try to have POIs displayed on a map with the wrong
scale, the system will remind you of this. When you are
ready to exit the POI command mode, state “POI off”.
The available POI commands are the following:
Automobile Commands
• Navigation Automobile Club
• Navigation Triple A
• Navigation Car Wash
• Navigation Gas Station
• Navigation Gas
• Navigation Parking
• Navigation Parking Lot
• Navigation Parking Garage
• Navigation Car Park
• Navigation Auto Service and Maintenance
• Navigation Auto Service
• Navigation Other Automotive
• Navigation GM