WEP Setup
- If WEP is chosen as the encryp-
tion type, you need only to enter
in an encryption key. Note that
depending on the type (ASCII vs.
HEX), the length of the key will
vary depending on the numbers
of bits in use.
TKIP Setup
- If TKIP is chosen as the encryp-
tion type, you need only to
enter a pre-shared key. Note that
depending on the type (ASCII vs.
HEX), the limitations of the key
length will vary. The rekey interval
can be left at its default settings
unless advanced confi guration is
Security Setup Completion
- Once the encryption key has been
successfully added, the AirStation
will save the key and restart. At
this point, the key will need to be
entered into any device connecting
wirelessly to pass data through the
AirStation. If problems are encoun-
tered connecting wirelessly with the
encryption key, please use a wired
connection to attempt confi guration
or reset the AirStation with its reset
button on the rear face.
Wireless Settings