Appendix K Log descriptions 299
BCM50e Integrated Router Configuration - Advanced
Table 81 shows RFC-2408 ISAKMP payload types that the log displays. Refer to the RFC for
detailed information on each type.
Log commands
Table 81 RFC-2408 ISAKMP payload types
Log Display Payload Type
SA Security Association
PROP Proposal
TRANS Transform
KE Key Exchange
ID Identification
CER Certificate
CER_REQ Certificate Request
SIG Signature
NOTFY Notification
DEL Delete
VID Vendor ID
Table 82 PKI logs
Log Message Description
Enrollment successful
The SCEP online certificate enrollment was successful. The
Destination field records the certification authority server IP
address and port.
Enrollment failed
The SCEP online certificate enrollment failed. The
Destination field records the certification authority server’s IP
address and port.
Failed to resolve
<SCEP CA server url>
The SCEP online certificate enrollment failed because the
certification authority server’s address cannot be resolved.
Enrollment successful
The CMP online certificate enrollment was successful. The
Destination field records the certification authority server’s IP
address and port.
Enrollment failed
The CMP online certificate enrollment failed. The Destination
field records the certification authority server’s IP address and