TD 92675EN
20 June 2012 / Ver. E
Configuration Manual
Ascom i62 VoWiFi Handset
6. Handset Configuration
3 In the Persistent volume drop-down list, select “Enable” to automatically store
volume changes in the handset for future calls.
The parameter affects the “Normal”, “Headset“,
“Loudspeaking“ mode.
For selection of headset, see Headset type on page 37.
NOTE: Changing this parameter may result in lower sound quality and high sound
Evaluate carefully before applying.
6.5.4 Headset Configuration
Headset type
Select the headset model that is used.
1 Select Headset > General.
2 Select the applicable item in the drop-down list:
IMPORTANT: Do not select “Hearing protec
tion” unless a Peltor headset is used.
• Hearing protection
•Mic on boom
•Mic on cable
• User model (If not any headset is used above, th
is option can be used to configure
n own headset profile. If selected, additional configuration is required, see
Headset user model)
Headset user model
These settings are required if User mo
del is selecte
d under Headset > General.
1 Select Headset > User model.
2In the Name of headset field, ent
er a descriptive name. For example the headset
model to be used.
3 In the following drop-down lists, select the applicable values for the headset:
icrophone gain
• Speaker gain
•Side tone
NOTE: Changing the parameters may result in lower sound quality and high
sound le
Evaluate carefully before applying.
Corded headset button
1 Select Headset > General.
2In the Call with headset button list, select one of th
e following:
• Not activated – it is only possible to
answer/end a call.
• Last called number – the last called number will be dialled.
• Predefined number – a predefined number will be called (if sele
, continue
with step 3)
3 If needed, in the Predefined number field, enter
the number to be dialled when the
headset button is pressed.