setcacheparams 37
setpacking 38
Printer Error Parameter 38
printererror 39
PostScript Language Changes 39
Packed Arrays 40
Packed Arrays Versus Ordinary Arrays 40
Creating Packed Arrays 40
Immediately Evaluated Names 41
Changes in Font Cache Operation 42
Device Resolution Images 42
End-of-Line Recognition 43
New Operators 44
TrueType Fonts 44
Chapter 3
Communication Channels
Serial Communication 46
Baud Rates 46
Parity Settings 47
Flow Control 47
DTR Flow Control 47
XON/XOFF Flow Control 48
SCC Operator Encoding 48
Communication Protocols 49
Simple Communication Protocol 49
Binary Communication Protocol 50
Communicating with an IBM PC 52
Parallel Interface 52
Serial Interface 53
DTR Flow Control for PC Communication 53
XON/XOFF Flow Control for PC Communication 54
Communication Dynamics 54
Status Queries and Spontaneous Messages 55