14628 Central Ave,
Chino, CA 91710
tel:909.597.7588, fax:909.597.1939
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1U rackmount Matrix Cat6 IP KVM Switch
< 1.2 > KVM port & Cat6 dongle connection
USB Serv ers
C AT 5 / 6 cable
max. 40 meters
DG -100 SD
DVI -US B dongle
D V I - D
Cat6 KVM port
PS /2 S erve rs USB Servers
P S/2 DG -100
VG A-P S/2 dongle
DG -100 S
VG A -USB dongle
C AT 5 / 6 ca ble
max. 40 meters
D VI -USB dongle
¦ To connect DVI -D connector to th e com pu te r’s video card
¦ To connect USB c onnector to the compu te r’s U SB port
VGA -US B dongle
¦ To connect DB -15 connector to the compute r ’s video ca rd
¦ To connect USB c onnector to the compu te r’s U SB port
VGA -P S/2 dongle
¦ To connect DB -15 connector to the compute r ’s video card
¦ To connect PS/2 ke ybo a rd connector to the com pute r’s keyboard po rt
¦ To conne ct PS/2 m o use co nne cto r t o th e co m p u te r ’s m ou se p ort