The unit may keep the user settings information in the unit. If you
discard this unit either by disposal or transfer, then follow the
procedure to return all the settings to the factory presets to delete
the user settings. (> 46, "To return all settings to the factory
The operation history may be recorded in the memory of this unit.
Information for Users on Collection and
Disposal of Old Equipment and used Batteries
These symbols on the products, packaging, and/
or accompanying documents mean that used
electrical and electronic products and batteries
should not be mixed with general household
For proper treatment, recovery and recycling of
old products and used batteries, please take them
to applicable collection points, in accordance with
your national legislation and the Directives 2002/
96/EC and 2006/66/EC.
By disposing of these products and batteries
correctly, you will help to save valuable resources
and prevent any potential negative effects on
human health and the environment which could
otherwise arise from inappropriate waste
For more information about collection and
recycling of old products and batteries, please
contact your local municipality, your waste
disposal service or the point of sale where you
purchased the items.
Penalties may be applicable for incorrect disposal
of this waste, in accordance with national
For business users in the European Union
If you wish to discard electrical and electronic
equipment, please contact your dealer or supplier
for further information.
[Information on Disposal in other Countries
outside the European Union]
These symbols are only valid in the European
Union. If you wish to discard these items, please
contact your local authorities or dealer and ask for
the correct method of disposal.
Note for the battery symbol (bottom two
symbol examples):
This symbol might be used in combination with a
chemical symbol. In this case it complies with the
requirement set by the Directive for the chemical
This unit adopts the following technology for copyright protection.
Cinavia Notice
This product uses Cinavia technology to limit the use of unauthorized
copies of some commercially-produced film and videos and their
soundtracks. When a prohibited use of an unauthorized copy is
detected, a message will be displayed and playback or copying will be
More information about Cinavia technology is provided at the Cinavia
Online Consumer Information Center at http://www.cinavia.com. To
request additional information about Cinavia by mail, send a postcard
with your mailing address to:
Cinavia Consumer Information Center, P.O. Box 86851, San Diego,
CA, 92138, USA.
Caution for AC Mains
(For the AC mains plug of three pins)
For your safety, please read the following text carefully.
This appliance is supplied with a moulded three pin mains plug for
your safety and convenience.
A 5-ampere fuse is fitted in this plug.
Should the fuse need to be replaced please ensure that the
replacement fuse has a rating of 5-ampere and that it is approved
by ASTA or BSI to BS1362.
Check for the ASTA mark
or the BSI mark
on the body of the fuse.
If the plug contains a removable fuse cover you must ensure that it
is refitted when the fuse is replaced.
If you lose the fuse cover the plug must not be used until a
replacement cover is obtained.
A replacement fuse cover can be purchased from your local dealer.
Before use
Remove the connector cover.
How to replace the fuse
The location of the fuse differ according to the type of AC mains
plug (figures A and B). Confirm the AC mains plug fitted and follow
the instructions below.
Illustrations may differ from actual AC mains plug.
1 Open the fuse cover with a screwdriver.
2 Replace the fuse and close or attach the fuse cover.
To dispose or transfer this unit
Restriction on use of
unauthorized copied content
Fuse cover
Figure A Figure B
Figure A Figure B
(5 ampere)
(5 ampere)
SC-BTT560&500&460&400EBEP-VQT4Q16_mst.book 3 ページ 2012年12月3日 月曜日 午前10時25分
The unit may keep the user settings information in the unit. If you
discard this unit either by disposal or transfer, then follow the
procedure to return all the settings to the factory presets to delete
the user settings. (> 46, "To return all settings to the factory
The operation history may be recorded in the memory of this unit.
Information for Users on Collection and
Disposal of Old Equipment and used Batteries
These symbols on the products, packaging, and/
or accompanying documents mean that used
electrical and electronic products and batteries
should not be mixed with general household
For proper treatment, recovery and recycling of
old products and used batteries, please take them
to applicable collection points, in accordance with
your national legislation and the Directives 2002/
96/EC and 2006/66/EC.
By disposing of these products and batteries
correctly, you will help to save valuable resources
and prevent any potential negative effects on
human health and the environment which could
otherwise arise from inappropriate waste
For more information about collection and
recycling of old products and batteries, please
contact your local municipality, your waste
disposal service or the point of sale where you
purchased the items.
Penalties may be applicable for incorrect disposal
of this waste, in accordance with national
For business users in the European Union
If you wish to discard electrical and electronic
equipment, please contact your dealer or supplier
for further information.
[Information on Disposal in other Countries
outside the European Union]
These symbols are only valid in the European
Union. If you wish to discard these items, please
contact your local authorities or dealer and ask for
the correct method of disposal.
Note for the battery symbol (bottom two
symbol examples):
This symbol might be used in combination with a
chemical symbol. In this case it complies with the
requirement set by the Directive for the chemical
This unit adopts the following technology for copyright protection.
Cinavia Notice
This product uses Cinavia technology to limit the use of unauthorized
copies of some commercially-produced film and videos and their
soundtracks. When a prohibited use of an unauthorized copy is
detected, a message will be displayed and playback or copying will be
More information about Cinavia technology is provided at the Cinavia
Online Consumer Information Center at http://www.cinavia.com. To
request additional information about Cinavia by mail, send a postcard
with your mailing address to:
Cinavia Consumer Information Center, P.O. Box 86851, San Diego,
CA, 92138, USA.
Caution for AC Mains
(For the AC mains plug of three pins)
For your safety, please read the following text carefully.
This appliance is supplied with a moulded three pin mains plug for
your safety and convenience.
A 5-ampere fuse is fitted in this plug.
Should the fuse need to be replaced please ensure that the
replacement fuse has a rating of 5-ampere and that it is approved
by ASTA or BSI to BS1362.
Check for the ASTA mark
or the BSI mark
on the body of the fuse.
If the plug contains a removable fuse cover you must ensure that it
is refitted when the fuse is replaced.
If you lose the fuse cover the plug must not be used until a
replacement cover is obtained.
A replacement fuse cover can be purchased from your local dealer.
Before use
Remove the connector cover.
How to replace the fuse
The location of the fuse differ according to the type of AC mains
plug (figures A and B). Confirm the AC mains plug fitted and follow
the instructions below.
Illustrations may differ from actual AC mains plug.
1 Open the fuse cover with a screwdriver.
2 Replace the fuse and close or attach the fuse cover.
To dispose or transfer this unit
Restriction on use of
unauthorized copied content
Fuse cover
Figure A Figure B
Figure A Figure B
(5 ampere)
(5 ampere)
SC-BTT560&500&460&400EBEP-VQT4Q16_mst.book 3 ページ 2012年12月3日 月曜日 午前10時25分
Odlaganje ili ustupanje
U uređaju mogu ostati pohranjene korisničke postavke. Ako
uređaj želite odložiti ili ustupiti drugim osobama, slijedite postupak
za vraćanje tvorničkih postavki da biste obrisali korisničke
postavke. (→ 46, "Vraćanje na tvorničke postavke")
• Radni postupci mogu ostati pohranjeni u memoriji uređaja.
Ovim se oznakama na proizvodu, ambalaži i/ili
pratećim dokumentima označava da se korišteni
električni i elektronički uređaji te baterije ne smiju
odlagati s otpadom iz domaćinstava.
Radi pravilne obrade, sanacije i recikliranja
dotrajalih proizvoda i baterija odnesite ih u
odgovarajuća prikupljališta, u skladu s lokalnim
zakonodavstvom i Direktivama 2002/96/EZ i
2006/66/EZ. Pravilnim odlaganjem navedenih
proizvoda i baterija čuvate vrijedne resurse
i sprečavate moguće negativne utjecaje na
ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš koji bi mogli nastati zbog
neprimjerenog rukovanja otpadom.
Detaljne informacije o prikupljanju i recikliranju
dotrajalih proizvoda i baterija potražite u lokalnom
poglavarstvu, službi za odlaganje otpada ili na
prodajnom mjestu na kojem ste kupili proizvod.
Za nepropisno odlaganje ovog otpada mogli biste
biti kažnjeni sukladno lokalnom zakonodavstvu.
Ako želite odložiti električnu i elektroničku
opremu, detaljne obavijesti zatražite od
prodavača ili dobavljača.
Ovi su simboli važeći samo u Europskoj uniji. Ako
želite odložiti ove uređaje, obratite se nadležnim
lokalnim tijelima ili dobavljačima i raspitajte se o
pravilnom načinu odlaganja.
Ovaj se simbol može koristiti u kombinaciji s
kemijskim simbolom. U tom je slučaju usklađen
sa zahtjevom navedenim u Direktivi za korištene
Zabrana korištenja
neovlaštenog kopiranog
Ovaj uređaj koristi sljedeću tehnologiju za zaštitu autorskih prava.
Obavijest o sustavu Cinavia
Ovaj proizvod koristi tehnologiju Cinavia za sprečavanje uporabe
neovlaštenih kopija nekih komercijalnih lmova i videozapisa te
njihovih zvučnih zapisa. Kada se otkrije uporaba neovlaštene
kopije, prikazat će se poruka, a reprodukcija ili kopiranje bit će
Dodatne informacije o tehnologiji Cinavia možete pronaći na
stranici mrežnoga korisničkog centra Cinavia http://www.cinavia.
com. Da biste zatražili dodatne informacije o tehnologiji Cinavia
poštom, pošaljite dopisnicu sa svojom adresom na:
Cinavia Consumer Information Center, P.O. Box 86851, San
Diego, CA, 92138, USA.
Mjere opreza za
kabel za napajanje
izmjeničnom strujom
Radi osobne sigurnosti pažljivo pročitajte sljedeći tekst.
Uređaj se isporučuje s izoliranim 3-pinskim utikačem radi vaše
sigurnosti i udobnosti.
U utikač je ugrađen osigurač od 5 ampera.
Ako je potrebno zamijeniti osigurač, upotrijebite zamjenski
osigurač od 5 ampera usklađen sa standardom BS1362 i s
oznakom odobrenja ASTA ili BSI.
Potražite oznaku ASTA ili BSI na kućištu osigurača.
Ako utikač ima poklopac osigurača koji se može skinuti, nakon
zamjene osigurača poklopac obavezno vratite na mjesto.
Ako izgubite poklopac osigurača, utikač nije dozvoljeno koristiti
sve dok se ne postavi zamjenski poklopac.
Zamjenski poklopac osigurača možete kupiti kod lokalnog
Skinite poklopac priključka.
Smještaj osigurača razlikuje se ovisno o vrsti kabela za napajanje
izmjeničnom strujom (slike A i B). Provjerite je li utikač za
izmjeničnu struju ukopčan i slijedite upute u nastavku.
Prikazi se mogu razlikovati od stvarnog utikača za napajanje
izmjeničnom strujom.
1 Pomoću odvijača otvorite poklopac osigurača.
2 Zamijenite osigurač i zatvorite ili pričvrstite poklopac osigurača.
(5 ampera)
(5 ampera)