Congratulations on choosing your new Savage boat. At Savage we pride ourselves on innovation, quality and
craftsmanship. Savage built their first boat in 1898 and over 110 years later; the Savage brand is going from strength to
Take a few minutes to read this manual completely before you use your boat for the first time. This manual is a valuable
reference and will answer most questions you have about features and operation. Please retain it for your future reference.
Thank you for purchasing your new Savage boat. You will enjoy many years of boating with this craft.
Read This Page Carefully
Some information in this manual may not be applicable to your area of boating. Please check with your dealer or boating
authority for a brochure on local boating rules and regulations. And remember always operate your vessel within safe
boating practices.
Warranty papers will have come with your motor and some of the auxiliary equipment fitted to your boat. Complete and
return these now to ensure you are registered with the appropriate companies as an owner of their equipment.
In addition to the warranty cards, there will be operating manuals associated with the engine and electrical equipment. Even
if you believe you are competent with this equipment, we strongly recommend you read these manuals as they contain
warnings and concise instructions on the best ways to operate each item.
It is very important you read the engine manual carefully, as modern engines are now largely electronically controlled and
have warning and fail safe devices fitted should a problem arise. You should clearly understand how these function and
what the various alarm systems mean.
If you experience any difficulties, please contact your local Savage dealer for assistance. Find your local Savage dealer by
When Things Aren’t Right….
Savage is a customer and service oriented company, it is important to us that your Savage be delivered to you without
faults and with all equipment supplied as specified.
If your boat is damaged or faulty in any way, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. It is the policy of both Savage
and our dealer network to get you back on the water as quickly as possible and with minimal inconvenience to you and your
Should you encounter any difficulties contact your local Savage dealer immediately. They will be aware of the appropriate
steps to be taken to rectify the matter.