Simon listens PIC: 987058033 Grant Agree number: 231143 Project: ASTROMOBILE
2.3. Microphone tests
2.3.1. Description:
In the following tests we were using preselected microphones from the Institute of signal processing and
speech communication of the Graz University of Technology! (The test of preselection you can find under
attachment 8.1)
in a natural environment. We used simon 0.3 stable release and a precompiled general model
(bp__rr_huh_hug_hus_ada_adc_add_shh_shg_shs__2010_09_09) without samples of the test speaker.
We used a selected list of words for recognition. This list contained 20 selected words out of 99 simon
recognized perfectly.
Construction of the testset:
Using the Sennheiser PC 36 USB Headset the test person spoke 5 times the 99 words and documented the
recognition rate. The selected 20 words always had a recognition rate of 100%.
2.3.2. Environment
We have tested the microphones in a controlled environment under possible end-user conditions. The
environment was a normal flat with standard furniture like mediacenter, tv, kitchen, couch, etc.
2.3.3. Test objects
THE T.BONE TB312S gooseneck microphone
the t.bone TB312S dynamic gooseneck microphone - on/off switch, 3 pin XLR connector, ideal for talkback
or installations, gooseneck length 27cm