Simon listens PIC: 987058033 Grant Agree number: 231143 Project: ASTROMOBILE
With the great dedication of our partners it was possible to
record speech data from 46 persons (11 persons elder than 65 years) in
these three days. With this Italian speech data we can construct an
Italian speech model for the special needs of this project.
The distribution of the characteristics of the speech data are the
Gender Age
The detailed Italian wordlist you can find under attachement 8.3
4. Development of dialogues
We invested a great part of the manpower in the development of a prototype of a scheduler based dialog
control system with graphical, written and voice output. For testing we developed German dialogues and
reminder functions for the scenarios drinking, eating, social services, medication, reminder of events and
a Skype dialogue. The control of the dialogues and reminder functions is based on a scheduler. In the