P-2602R/RL-DxA Series User’s Guide
346 Index
NAT 97, 114, 115
Application 111
Definitions 109
How it works 110
Mapping Types 111
Server Mode 111
What it does 110
What NAT does 110
NAT (Network Address Translation) 37, 109
NAT mode 113
NAT Sessions 269
NAT Traversal 211
NetBIOS commands 154
Network Management 114
NNTP 114
Notebook Computer 34
OAM 268
One-Minute High 176
Operation Humidity 267
Operation Temperature 267
Packet Filtering 159
Packet filtering
When to use 160
Packet Filtering Firewalls 149
PCM 125
Peak Cell Rate (PCR) 84, 90
Peer to Peer Calls 41
Per-Hop Behavior 131
Permanent Virtual Circuits 268
PHB (Per-Hop Behavior) 132
Phone 133
Ping of Death 152
Point to Point Calls 41
Point to Point Protocol over ATM Adaptation Layer 5
(AAL5) 82
Point-to-point Calls 269
Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol 114
POP3 114, 151, 152
Port Forwarding 269
Power Specification 267
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) Link Layer Protocol 268
PPP over ATM AAL5 268
PPP over Ethernet 268
PPPoE 81
Benefits 81
PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) 38, 81
PPTP 114
Priorities 191
Priority 193
Priority-based Scheduler 188
PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) 35
PSTN Call Setup Signaling 126
Pulse Code Modulation 125
Pulse Dialing 126
PVCs 268
QoS 131
QoS (Quality of Service) 38
Quality of Service 131
Quality of Service, See QoS
Quick Dialing 269
Quick Start Guide 33, 45
Reach-Extended ADSL 268
Real Time E-mail Alerts 268
Real Time Transport Protocol 125
reinitialize the ADSL line 251
Related Documentation 33
Remote Management and NAT 202
Remote Management Limitations 201
Reports and Logs 268
Reset Button 47
Resetting Your Device 47
Restore 239
Restore Configuration 244
RFC 1483 82, 268
RFC 1631 109
RFC 1889 125, 269
RFC 1890 269
RFC 2327 269
RFC 2364 268
RFC 2516 38, 268
RFC 2684 268