3.2 Set Your WAN IP Address
Your IP address is like a street address, it lets you send messages to other devices and
receive them. Configure your IP address settings here so you can communicate with other
devices on your WAN.
2 One of two possible
screens appears
depending on your
connection type.
3 In the screen that
appears type the WAN IP
address, and, depending
on the screen, the WAN
IP subnet mask and the
gateway IP address
given by your ISP.
4 If you are given DNS
server settings, type
them in the screen that
appears. Otherwise
leave the default settings
and click Next.
1 If your ISP did not assign you a
fixed IP address, select Get
automatically from your ISP
and click Next to go to section
3.3. Otherwise, if your ISP gave
you a fixed IP address, select
Use fixed IP address
provided by your ISP. Click