ISG50 User’s Guide878
UDP 619
decoder 418, 425
decoy portscan 422
distributed portscan 422
flood attack 424
messages 619
port numbers 619
portscan 421
portsweep 422
u-encoding attack 426
u-law 470
undersize-len attack 426
undersize-offset attack 426
unreachables (ICMP) 422
firmware 731
licenses 232
configuration files 731
firmware 731
shell scripts 733
CPU 189, 190
flash 189
memory 189, 190
onboard flash 189
sessions 189, 191
user authentication 599
external 600
local user database 632
user awareness 601
User Datagram Protocol, see UDP
user group objects 599
user groups 599, 600
and firewall 363, 366
and policy routes 294, 295, 405, 407
configuration overview 104
user name
rules 602
user objects 599
user sessions, see sessions
User’s Guide 25
user-aware 116
users 599
access, see also access users
admin (type) 599
admin, see also admin users
and AAA servers 600
and authentication method objects 600
and firewall 363, 366
and LDAP 600
and policy routes 294, 295, 405, 407
and RADIUS 600
and service control 679
and shell scripts 611
attributes for Ext-User 600
attributes for LDAP 610
attributes for RADIUS 611
attributes in AAA servers 610
configuration overview 104
currently logged in 188, 193
default lease time 607, 609
default reauthentication time 607, 609
default type for Ext-User 600
ext-group-user (type) 599
Ext-User (type) 600
ext-user (type) 599
groups, see user groups
Guest (type) 599
lease time 603
limited-admin (type) 599
lockout 608
prerequisites for force user authentication
policies 104
reauthentication time 603
types of 599
user (type) 599
user names 602
UTF-8 decode 426
UTF-8-encoding attack 426
Vantage Report (VRPT) 709, 716
video codecs 468, 470, 475
virtual interfaces 234
basic characteristics 234
not DHCP clients 276
vs asymmetrical routes 360
vs triangle routes 360
Virtual Local Area Network, see VLAN.