^ee Command - Error Report - Immediate
Description: Usethiscommandtogetprintererrorandstatus
report immediately. The ^ee command must
be sent via the RS-232 serial interface.
following format:
XX= Error/Status code
= Carriage Return (ASCII 13 dec.)
= Line Feed (ASCII 10 dec.)
Syntax: ^ee
Parameters: None
Code Error/Status Description
00 No Error
01 Syntax Error
02 Object Exceeded Label Border
Bar Code Data Length Error
(e.g.: EAN-13 is a 12 or 13 digit only)
04 Insufficient Memory to Store Data
05 Memory Configuration Error
06 RS-232 Interface Error
07 Paper or Ribbon Empty
08 Duplicate Name: Form, Graphic or Soft Font
09 Name Not Found: Form, Graphic or Soft Font
10 Not in Data Entry Mode (See ? Command)
11 Print Head Up (Open)
12 Pause Mode or Paused in Peel mode
50 Printer Busy - Processing Print Job
80* Undefined
81* Cutter Jammed or Not Installed
82* AutoSense or Sensor Failure
83* Illegal Interrupt occurred
84* Excessive Media Feeding
* - Requires Intervention: Press Feed or Reset (
980352-001 Rev.A