Parts And Features
This section contains captioned illustrations of your appliance. Use them to become familiar
with the location
and appearance
of all parts and features.
NOTE: The drawings in this book may vary from your dishwasher model. They are designed
to show the different features of all models covered by this book. Your model may not include
all features. Page numbers are included next to some features. Refer to those pages for more
information about the features.
A Third level
Wash (p. 15)
(on 8OllE modela)
Top rack (p. 15)
C Water
Inlet opening
Rack bumper
E Bottom rack (p. 16)
F Heating element
G Detergent diapenoer (p. 10)
Rinse agent dirpenaer (p. 11)
f Extra-capacity fold down ahefves
(On 8OlllO lTlOdd8)
(p. 16)
L Silvenuare basket (p. 17)
8Olll8 models)
Filter ryatem screen (p. 16)
(not shown)
N Lower spray arm
0 Overfill protector
P ACCe88 panel
Q Door color panel
Slfverware basket
(p. 17)
rome models)
Silverware basket (p. 17)
(on 8Ome models)
J Spray
tower and protector
K Model
and aerial number label
(on right aide)