Loading the Lower Basket
We recommend that you place large items which are most difficult to clean into the lower basket:
pots, pans, lids,serving dishes and bowls, asshown in the figure to the right.
I t is p refe rabl e to pl ac e ser ving dis hes and li ds on t he s ide of the rac ks in order t o avoi d b locking
Pots, serving bowls, etc. must always be placed top down.
D eep pot s should be s lant ed t o allow w ater to f low o ut .
Th e b otto m b aske t fea ture f ol d dow n tin e ro ws so th at la rger or m ore pots and p ans c an be lo aded .
1. Cutlery basket
2. Dessert plates
3. Soup plates
4. Dinner plates
5. Oval platter
6. Saucer