Customer Support
For technical support or product service, see the table below or contact your reseller.
Note : You will need the product serial number.
Country/Region Web Site
Australia/New Zealand www.viewsonic.com.au
AUS=1800 880 818
NZ=0800 008 822
Canada www.viewsonic.com
T (Toll-Free)= 1-866-463-4775
T (Toll)= 1-424-233-2533
F= 1-909-468-1202
Europe/Middle East/Baltic
countries/North Africa
www.viewsoniceurope.com Contact your reseller
Korea www.kr.viewsonic.com T= 080 265 9080 service@kr.viewsonic.com
Renta y Datos, 29 SUR 721, COL. LA PAZ, 72160 PUEBLA, PUE. Tel: 01.222.891.55.77 CON 10 LINEAS
Electroser, Av Reforma No. 403Gx39 y 41, 97000 Merida, Yucatan. Tel: 01.999.925.19.16
Other places please refer to http://www.viewsonic.com/la/soporte/index.htm#Mexico
Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands www.viewsonic.com
T= 1-800-688-6688 (English)
T= 1-866-379-1304 (Spanish)
F= 1-909-468-1202
South Africa www.viewsoniceurope.com www.viewsoniceurope.com/uk/Support/Calldesk.htm
United Kingdom www.viewsoniceurope.com/uk/ www.viewsoniceurope.com/uk/Support/Calldesk.htm
United States www.viewsonic.com
T (Toll-Free)= 1-800-688-6688
T (Toll)= 1-424-233-2530
F= 1-909-468-1202