TL-WR743ND 150Mbps Wireless AP/Client Router
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Click Survey button on the Wireless page as shown in Figure 3-32, and then AP List page will
appear as shown in Figure 3-33. Find the SSID of the Access Point you wan
t to access, and click
Connect in the corresponding row. For example, the first item is selected. The target network’s
SSID will be automatically filled into the corresponding box which is shown as the Figure 3-34.
Figure 3-33 AP List
Figure 3-34
If you know the SSID of the desired AP, you can also input it into the field "Wireless Name of
Root AP" manually.
2. You will see the Network page as shown in Figure 3-36. Please configure the IP parameters of
LAN on this
page, and then click Next.